These pages are a resource about sailing. The particular focus is sailing Keelboats and Yachts on the Norfolk Broads, but much of the material is also relevant to other areas and/or other types of boat.
For those not familiar with traditional Broads yachts, they are a lovely type of vessel, with features not found elsewhere. Likewise, the Norfolk Broads are a wonderful and unique area to explore. Sailing there takes a lot of skill, and can be quite different to other locations. Especially, handling a yacht in this close-quarters environment is a contrast to sailing at sea, requiring greater precision and anticipation.
These pages have been produced over time, but are regularly reviewed. However, please excuse any error if any parts of the website appear to be dated or not completely current.
Knots Sailing Techniques RYA Keelboat Syllabus Pathfinder Cruise Qualifications Safety
Tips Emergency Access points